Megan Fox made a film called The Passion Play with Mickey Rourke and Bill Murray. By all accounts, it was pretty awful, but she’s topless in it so hey ho. Why not watch this video of her (covered) topless scene?
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If Mickey Rourke says your film is bad, you’ve got to be pretty sure that it’s not very good. Especially when he’s in the damn thing. Well, Mickey Rourke said that The Passion Playwas bad, and we’re inclined to agree with him.
We just have this feeling
Even Bill Murray couldn't save this. And he made Garfield watchable. You know, if you were drunk
Or maybe the screenwriter just couldn’t write female parts. We don’t know. We don’t especially care. To be honest, if your film involves Bill Murray getting punched in the face, we’re already against you. That man is an absolute don.