Saturday, 11 August 2012

Angelina Joilee Sex Scendle When See Was 16

Anjelina jolie photos from real sex scandle in 16 years old

Angelina Jolie is on the cover of In Touch Weekly this week with the blaring headline, "Angelina's Sex Scandal". The magazine has found a photo shoot from when Jolie was just sixteen years old and they promised, "Never-before seen photos and video that would show a young but seductive side of a teenage Angelina Jolie." They certainly delivered as they have lots of video and a ton of photos.
Angelina Jolie Sex Scandal Photos and Video Online

She would fit right in with the young kids today. But keep in mind; she is the roughly the same age in this photo shoot as Miley Cyrus and Jamie Lynn Spears. The star of the Hannah Montana series Miley Cyrus was blasted earlier this year with her own racy photos scandal splashed online and Jamie Lynn Spears has had her scandal as she is now pregnant and perhaps even getting engaged. And these shots show Jolie at the same age. The 16-year-old Angelina is shown posing for a sensual modeling shoot.

Can you imagine how Jolie's life would have tuned out if her youth was documented with the coverage of the World Wide Web? For the "scandal" she basically just does her thing, to Marky-Mark's Good Vibrations and she looks seductively and into the camera poses in several different ways for a full nine minutes.

In Touch Weekly has all of the photos and the video here. I'm not really certain how much of a scandal it is now, but if Miley Cyrus was stripping like this it certainly would raise some eyebrows.